The Cliff

The ITW is one of the most popular cliffs in the world to jump from, and although it has a good safety record it must not be thought of as a site for beginners. The rock here is just as hard as anywhere else! That being said, it has a long initial rockdrop (around 12s to impact), and total vertical height available is 4000ft, enough for a good track and canopy flight out to the grassy landing area next to the Parete Zebrata cafe.

We start early in the morning to ensure we have the best weather possible for jumping – sometimes this can mean waking up at 4.00am or even earlier! This means that we can be alone on the mountain and most people find it a very special experience.

Rick exit

Other than the first day where we will only do one jump, it is possible to get at least 2 and possibly 3 in depending on the speed of packing, hiking, and when we wake up – although 2 is most normal. Weather is also a big factor here as it is in the mountains and is thus subject to more severe conditions than the bridge.

Brento landing

As we have the afternoons free after jumping, we have a number of other topics to cover:

  • Tracking and slider up techniques, packing differences, potential malfunctions and how to deal with them
  • Medical lecture on trauma management specific to BASE
  • Object assessment – specifics of Buildings, Antennas, Spans and Earth (BASE!), how wind can affect them, choices of landings, exits, access etc.
  • How to avoid getting hurt in BASE
  • Cameras in BASE, roles and potential dangers
